Before opening the isolation valves to allow the APV to control your PRV, it is necessary to set the initial APV motor position to give the required downstream pressure. It is this initial setting that we call "APV Calibration".
Once you are in Configurator, select on the main screen the option ‘APV Calibration’. You must be in service mode in order to calibrate the APV.
Once you are in Service Mode, click and type the min P2 that you have fixed manually by adjusting the APV end cap.
Set the fixed outlet P2 that we want to achieve. Maximum P2 will be set up automatically.
Once you click the button “Calibrate”, a series of confirmation messages will appear on the main screen. Please read all of them carefully before you click OK.
A green message will show you the status while is calibrating. You will see through the APV window how the motor is moving to one extreme and returning to the expected position
When the calibration is completed, a green message will appear showing “Calibration Successful”
Once calibration is complete, you can carefully open the shutoff valves on the PRV to allow the APV to control the pressure. You can use APV Manual Control to make small adjstments to the pressure to test.
Finally, you must leave Service Mode to start controlling the PRV according to the settings configured on the i2O platform.
To view a video of the APV Calibration process, click here.
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